16 February 2006

my roomie’s girlfriend is a regular genius: episode 1

The One with the Grilled Potatoes

So there’s this bad burnt smell first thing in the morning. My roomie’s girl is trying to cook to impress her man again and she’s ‘grilling potatoes’ to put into soup.

What’s the best way to grill potatoes in your standard modern kitchen?
Oven maybe? Toaster? Dehhhhhh, wrong answer. Something waaaaay better than that.

Well, somehow she figured that normal people grill potatoes by putting them face down directly on the hot plate. No kidding. She cut the potatoes in two and put them face down on the heating element just like that! But of course! So now the hot plate is blackened, the apartment stinks and the potatoes are carcinogenic on one side.

And she puts the potatoes into the soup anyway.

New and improved potato soup! Now with cancer!


13 February 2006

happy Darwin Day~

February 12 is one of those days where geeks congregate to celebrate their geek holidays. Happy Darwin Day everyone!

Yup, Charles Darwin is 197 years old.
A lot of people think that he was the first to put forward the idea of evolution, or that he was a godless atheist who thought we descended from monkeys and not Adam and Eve. He was neither, but he was the first to propose natural selection as a causal mechanism for evolution. Although he lacked the carbon dating and the genetic tools so readily available today, evidence in favour of evolution has been piling up steadily and still coming at. Today, the scientific community at large validates evolution as a scientific fact.

Yet today, this scientific fact is being challenged as a mere theory by a handful of smartass scientists backed by small groups of ignorant conservative wackeroos who think that they know shit. This is mainly taking place in the USA (where else?) where about 45% of the population believes that God created humans in our present form. That’s 133 million people! Let’s hope scientists find a gene for ignorance, so that we can say ‘oh no they can’t help but be deluded them poor things’. This Creationism/Intelligent Design movement is pissing the heck out of me. It is nothing but religion thinly sheathed as a science-wannabe, no way can this be called a science, no way.

Anyway, I will definitely be posting more about this issue in little bite-sized pieces: The arguments ID proponents have put forward to oppose evolution, why ID cannot be a science, some of the entirely disturbing ways in which Americans are trying to force the Bible as the only science textbook and the recent Kitzmiller vs. Dover Area School District trial. (I like to think of it as the Evo vs. Wacko case.)

In commemoration of Darwin Day, I attended a talk by Dr. Brian Alters, an expert in science education here in McGill who in fact testified in abovementioned case. He was dressed in a burgundy jacket (how special!) and a tie with the Evolution of Man motif (how apt!). *haha* There, I just had to write that down.

Happy Birthday old Charlie boy.
Abraham Lincoln was born on the same day, but February 12 is Darwin Day.

10 February 2006

ultimate showdown

Where else can you see Godzilla, Optimus Prime, Aaron Carter, Abe Lincoln and many more fun characters together?
Watch the Ultimate Showdown ... of Ultimate Destiny!!

09 February 2006

just a small box

It was just a small box, a small plastic cubicle with one face open and a base evenly riddled with holes. I think I salvaged the components from the bookshop, the cubicle just a soft plastic casing and the base just one of those cardboard pens stands. The holes were just big enough for a marble to nestle comfortable in it and were marked with numbers.

For a small sum of I don’t know, 10 cents, 20 cents? You could get a marble and flip it into the box from a small distance. It lands on number 5? Oh man, unlucky. You don’t get anything but try again! There are strawberry-shaped erasers waiting to be won!

With the money collected, I would re-invest in new prizes and rack my brains for more fun games. This went on for maybe 3 days and then one day I was told to shut down my little act, because it constituted ‘gambling’.

Would-be gambling addict? Budding entrepreneur? I don’t know if I made any money, or if I even intended to make any money.
I was 11.

06 February 2006

oh my Muhammed~!

I’ve been wanting to blog about the Muhammed cartoon uproar, but I’m conflicted. I won’t talk too much on it, given the extensive and much more eloquent coverage in the rest of the blogosphere (see Attempts) and the online news community. (see BBC)

The press has been quick to take the freedom of speech line, and European newspapers are rushing to back their Danish counterpart by republishing the cartoons. France Soir ran a frontpage with the headline 'Yes, we have the right to caricaturize God' along with a picture of Jesus, Buddha, Muhammed and Yahweh, with Jesus saying ‘Don’t complain Muhammed, we’ve ALL been caricaturized here!’

It’s not just purely a matter of caricatures and the Muslims too uptight to take a small jest. Islam tradition condemns idolatry and in doing so, advocates aniconism (i.e. no depiction of human beings). And when cartoons not only depict Muhammed but clearly associate him with terrorism, I think the press has hand-delivered Muslims a cause for their outrage. The cartoons are mostly tasteless, especially the most explicit one with Muhammed depicted with a bomb in his turban. It’s not funny. Nor is it clever and I do not see any other message except that Islam advocates violence. Drawing their prophet’s face is already a blasphemy, and labeling him a terrorist as well? This ignorant link does not lend support to a war on terrorism but a war on Islam, which the US and its supporters have vehemently denied.

Freedom of speech is not always compatible with society. You have the right to say what you want, even the most offensive of things. And while there is no reason to have the right to be free from everything one deems offensive (in fact the right to freedom of thought and expression should entail some kind of provocation), there is a need for self-discipline to not needlessly offend everyone, even those uninvolved. A mass boycott of Danish products is hurting by the millions, an innocent bystander whose only fault is its nationality.

I’m not saying that Islam should be insulated from media satirical criticism, but that it could have been done more tastefully and in respect for basic beliefs. Imagine if in the wake of all the priestly pedophilic scandals, one had depicted Jesus with his shaft up some kid, what would have the reaction been like? Or if Abraham and Moses were portrayed in tanks running over Palestinian women and children on the West Bank?

It doesn’t help that Muslim protestors from London, to Syria and Indonesia are reinforcing that crude caricature by openly calling for the deaths of the editors. The fact that the newspaper’s cultural editor commissioned the cartoonists to draw the Prophet as they saw him, already means that a general Western view of Islam is one of terrorism. With slogans like ‘Butcher/Slay/Exterminate/Massacre those who mock Islam’, they do nothing but underscore any gross stereotype. These represent but a small percentage of the international Muslim population. This radical minority is being exploited to substantiate blatant bigotry such as in this article by Steve Muscatello. He uses the example of Kanye West as Jesus on the cover of Rolling Stones magazine as a parallel event of blasphemy to Christianity and says:

When faced with a nearly identical situation, one faith resorted to violence, threats and rage like unruly savages; the other was civil, responding (if at all) with letters to the editor, calls for a boycott and many public denunciations.

Unholy Moses at Thou Shall Not Suck provides a nice stinging reply that lays bare for to see the ignorance that fuels this bigotry. He points out that radical Christians have had their fair share of violence, bombing abortion clinics and calling for the assasination of other world leaders. How is he is to say that Islam resorts to violence while Christianity is civil? There are Muslims, in Muslim and non-Muslim countries alike, who have called upon their fellowmen to take a step back and examine their religion and its image around the world. Sure they're offended too, but they're not torching embassies.

In short, while self-censorship is a counter-intuitive general solution, the European press should have considered the intimate level at which they were offending people with a set of crude and pointless drawings, crude and pointless being the key words. As a Muslim McGill student wrote in to the school paper, imagine the extreme disgust and humiliation if you were to parade your entire extended family naked along the busiest street in town. You can offend but be respectful. On the other hand, Muslims have to forward their own positive message to counter the general sinister picture in which Islam has been portrayed by the 'tyranny of the minority'.

I wonder though, isn't this picture a more appropriate look at today's world? And it isn't even the least bit satirical.

01 February 2006

potential damage, actual stupidity

Some guy is suing Apple for potential hearing loss, saying that iPods are ‘not safe to use’. Not even actual hearing loss ok, but for potential hearing loss.

That’s like suing McDonald’s for potential obesity.
Or suing Ferrari for potential speed-related accidents.

Apple is not forcing you to expose your ears to 115 decibels.
McDonald’s is not forcing you to supersize you.
Ferrari is not forcing you to pull a Schumacher on your regular roads.

It’s ironic that today’s society demands more freedom for their own actions, yet cannot be responsible enough to choose actions that suit their own well-being. Just because you can do these things doesn’t mean you should do them. And if you choose to do them anyway, you bloody take responsibility for it. Don’t tell me you don’t know better, that iPods don’t have sufficient labeling to warn people blah blah blah. Isn't it common sense to not listen to music at full blast? The discomfort of your ears would clearly tell you that you shouldn't do it and if you ignore your body's response, then screw you. You damaged your own ears.

Sadly, people are compensating for their lack of common sense with trigger-happy litigation.
Maybe one day it'll be possible to sue these people for potential dilution of the gene pool?