26 January 2007

extreme makeover

Right now, the makeover doesn't look quite extreme. This blog will undergo some changes, hopefully that will just rev me up to write more and about more meaningful topics. And not just a little nip here and dash of botox there. This is the Travolta/Cage deal.

And if my neurons are all gassed up for the conception of a design (from scratch *fingers crossed*), I'd appreciate some spare neurons to come up with a new blog name. Not that dookie kookie is good enough anymore, but just that it was the only thing that came to me way back when.

Below are some suggestions from myself and from some of you crazy sods:

Sapps' contributions for a better world are:
  • Sunshine Tumbletots and Lollipops
  • Sweet Sunshine Rainbow (The ambassador of Bimboland is anxious to recruit!)

Chewie took a break from the real world to help out:
  • Purple Phone Box (Someone is sympathetic to my Doctor Who geekiness)
  • Charlie's World
  • Charmander (with the added incentive - as if the mockery does not suffice - of Chewie renaming his own blog 'Pikachu'. Note to those who don't know, Chewie's last name is Chu)

Gau put down his Vodka long enough to shout across the Channel:
  • Mon Blog à Toi (Literally translates to My Blog of Yours. My gang of barjots is comprised of a Me, You, Him, Her, It, One. And I'm not Me, but You)
  • Waitin' for Charl (How very Beckett, yet so enduring by the fact I'm always on time yeah? And coupled with a very very tortuous play on words that is French humour)

Sourgrapes pulled a Britism randomly out of the air upon request:
  • Taking the Mickey

Finally, some of my residual neuron power:
  • A Cert'ain Number o' Years (Just know that I reapeat this phrase randomly and obsessively with a Scottish accent)
  • Packrat Compulsive (Cos it's the truth)
  • Charlatan
  • Anything Goes
  • Splotch (Everyone can do with more onomatopoeia in their lives. And at one point in time, i had Splotch written in chocolate sauce on my forearm. Which is good enough reason for me)
  • Chinwagging (Britism meaning chatting, probably of the idle kind. I'm chuffed by this really)

Do your kind deed of the day and give an opinion.

12 January 2007

the fruits of overstressed brains can be delicious

Graffiti by medical students made my exam that little bit more bearable today.

Vive H5N1. A bas le Tamiflu!
Long live H5N1 (bird flu virus). Down with Tamiflu!

Vas te faire emboliser
Go embolise yourself/go get an embolism. As you would say 'go eff yourself'

T'es un nephrovore
You're a nephrovore (nephros = kidney)

11 January 2007

in need of post-exam amazon click therapy

Consider it this way: what would you say if a blonde homecoming queen fell in a love with a short Japanese businessman? He treats her cruelly, the goes home for three year, during which time she prays to his picture and turns down marriage from a young Kennedy. Then, when she learns he has remarried, she kills herself. Now, I believe you would consider this girl to be a deranged idiot, correct? But because it's an Oriental who kills herself for a Westerner - ah! - you find it beautiful.

-- Song Liling, 'M. Butterfly' I,IV