12 January 2007

the fruits of overstressed brains can be delicious

Graffiti by medical students made my exam that little bit more bearable today.

Vive H5N1. A bas le Tamiflu!
Long live H5N1 (bird flu virus). Down with Tamiflu!

Vas te faire emboliser
Go embolise yourself/go get an embolism. As you would say 'go eff yourself'

T'es un nephrovore
You're a nephrovore (nephros = kidney)


Anonymous said...

J'aime beaucoup le "Vive H5N1, à bas le Tamiflu!"

Anonymous said...

I knew it! The pink - okay, it might have been purple - skirt you wore all those years ago were indicative of your eventual decent into girliness. Welcome to the world of fake eyelashes and high heeled shoes. I bet you'll be sporting flowery-patterned blouses - yes blouses not tops! - soon, very soon.

char said...

suling suling,
my dear (half-opened) closet bimbo,

i am not quite ready to join your ranks.